3D GFX.iso
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(If you are already a registered user, please skip to the last section for
important information.)
If you use this software for personal or hobbyist applications, and you
like it, please register it (if you are a commercial user, see the next
Several hundred person-hours of work went into the design and development
of this software. Every effort was expended to make this program both
useful and bulletproof. If you find this software useful, a small token
payment to show your thanks; yes, just a paltry $24 (US), will be greatly
appreciated. *Please* offer suggestions for improvements also! Price is
subject to change with future software revisions.
(An alternate payment plan existed in the past, where you could send the
author a 2-hour VHS tape of your work. This offer has been rescinded due
to copyright issues. Several users sent a registration payment plus a tape
as a gift; this is greatly appreciated, and if you want to do this, by all
means please do!)
The author prefers registering the program to an individual rather than to
an organization or club. Organization registrations are possible, but will
cost more. They are negotiable at this time.
Benefits of registering:
1) The program will look better! The JACO logo will not appear in the
lower right corner of the screen during play, and your name will appear
on the editor title bar.
2) Registering the program enables some features. You will have 10 fonts
available instead of 4, and you will have the ability to save your
program configuration.
3) You will be notified of future updates and bugfixes, and if you have
a font that you particularly like, but it displays improperly with
JACOsub, the author will be glad to re-map its bitplanes for you if you
do not have a font editor that will do this.
4) Registering will keep your conscience from bothering you.
Using this software for commercial purposes requires purchasing a license.
"Commercial use" means using this software for pay or, either directly or
indirectly, to produce material for sale, for rent, or for paid viewing.
This includes producing titled video viewing at for-profit conventions.
A commercial use license for this version of JACOsub costs US $169,
negotiable. As with the shareware fee, this price is subject to change as
the program expands in the future. Alternative royalty arrangements may be
negotiated in lieu of the commercial license fee. Program updates are free
and new software is sent directly to the purchaser (private purchasers may
receive only notifications).
Please let the author know of any illegal commercial use of this program.
Send a check or money order for $24 (private) or $169 (commercial) to:
Alex Matulich
1515 Jefferson Davis Hwy #820
Arlington, VA 22202-3311
The address above will be good until December 1996. A less direct, but
more permanent address would be:
Alex Matulich
Unicorn Research Corporation
4621 N. Landmark Drive
Orlando, FL 32817-1235
PLEASE: Specify which version of JACOsub you are currently using, and
provide an e-mail address if you have one (preferably internet).
Upon receipt of your payment, we will send you back a validation code. To
register the software, first click twice on the "register" icon or type the
command "jacosub -register" from a Shell prompt.
You will then be asked to enter your name and validation code. Be sure to
enter your name exactly as shown on your registration confirmation. Once
you have entered these two items correctly, JACOsub will then permanently
modify itself to reflect your ownership. Please do not distribute
registered copies of the software!
Registered users:
I (the author) reserve the right to invalidate all prior validation codes
when the program is significantly revised. Rest assured you are still
registered! I will make every effort to send new validation codes to all
registered users. Inevitably I will not be able to contact everyone due to
address changes. If you are not notified, please contact me at the address
above! Or send me email at matulich_a@SEAA.NAVSEA.NAVY.MIL. And many
thanks for your support.
End of Register.doc.